29 December 2016

The ship of the Panathenaic festival inside the Museum

A boat with an impressive colourful sail used to travel on wheels up to the foot of the Acropolis for the splendid Panathenaic festival. Children and adults will bring the sea to the land of the Museum in a colourful paper mosaic, at the same time discovering the marine world of the art of the Acropolis.

Program (held in Greek and in English): Thursday 29 December, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.   

The workshop is held by the Museum Archaeologist-Hosts and is designed for kids from 4 to 12 years old and their parents/escorts. Participation for children is free. A general admission fee is required for parents/escorts. The workshop is taking place on the balcony of the second floor that overlooks the Archaic Gallery.

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