Head of an acrolithic statue of a goddess. It was found in 1857 in the Odeion of Herodes Atticus. The statue is probably a copy of a chryselephantine work of the 5th or 4th cent. BC and possibly depicts Aphrodite.
The upper part of the head has an oblique cut and is worked in a way as to receive an additional probably wooden piece which would have been firmly secured with dowels in the grooves seen on the top. The hair is coloured with red paint which served as the foundation for its final gilding with fine gold leaves. The marble of the face has been highly polished to resemble ivory; the eyes were made with inlaid ivory, the irises with black stone and the eyelashes with bronze. The oxydisation of the eyelashes has produced the extant stains on the cheeks which have flowed down from the eyes as if they were tears.
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